Your Budget, Your Say
Do you get involved in the City’s budget process? If not, why? What can we do better to help you understand the budget? Are we offering appropriate opportunities to get involved? We want to hear from you! The City wants to create a budget process is fair, transparent, and engaging for residents. Feedback from the survey will help inform our processes.
Click each area below to contribute! The newsfeed provides information on the City budget and our processes.
Do you get involved in the City’s budget process? If not, why? What can we do better to help you understand the budget? Are we offering appropriate opportunities to get involved? We want to hear from you! The City wants to create a budget process is fair, transparent, and engaging for residents. Feedback from the survey will help inform our processes.
Click each area below to contribute! The newsfeed provides information on the City budget and our processes.
The City Budget
Share The City Budget on Facebook Share The City Budget on Twitter Share The City Budget on Linkedin Email The City Budget linkAll over the world, Cities have more responsibility than ever. How a City provides services for its Citizens, spends money and sets priorities has a big impact on everyday life; like how much your City spends on emergency services determines how long it take a firetruck to get to your house. What your City spends on roads determines how you get to work in the morning or how you get your kids to school and what your city spends on street lights and police can effect how safe feel in your neighbourhood. How your City invests your tax dollars is important. The City’s budget is one of the most important decisions made in your community each year. The City has to consider some of the same things that your average business does when budgeting including:
- Careful balancing of finances.
- Ensuring good value in the way we spend, invest, and create revenue.
- Analyzing how we operate, what is working well and what isn't.
- Continuously looking ahead, estimating our future needs and making financial plans to meet them.
We want to build a budget that meets your needs while balancing what’s actually possible given both the reality of the current economic situation at the time of budgeting, and the economic forecast.
The City's budget is made up of two main pieces: the Operating Budget and the Capital Budget.
- Operating Budget: this budget reflects the cost to operate the City on a day-to-day basis and delivery the programs and services that residents rely on every day such as emergency services, transportation, clean water, recreation, and more.
- Capital Budget: this budget reflects the cost for the City to undertake renewals, upgrades or new major equipment and infrastructure, as well as any larger undertakings that go beyond the day-to-day operations of the City for example: replacing a grader or water line, a new slide at the pool, paving roads, major research or assessment projects, etc.
Join us! Until September 30 you can participate in the following ways:
Think Big Picture - share your 2024 Budget Ideas about what the City should be paying attention to when making budgeting decisions.
Tough Choices Survey - complete this survey to provide your perspective that will support the City in making tough budget choices.
Budget Questions - ask your budget questions here!
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Your Budget, Your Say has finished this stageThis consultation is open for contributions.
Budget Pop-ups - Round 1
Your Budget, Your Say has finished this stageVisit one of the 2024 Budget pop-ups (stay tuned for official dates and details).
Management Review
Your Budget, Your Say has finished this stageContributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review.
Budget Presented to Council (October 14)
Your Budget, Your Say has finished this stageCouncil and management attend a full day budget meeting scheduled for October 14, 2023. As this is a public meeting people are welcome to attend and the public agenda with budget items with be posted in advance of the meeting
Budget Pop-ups - Round 2
Your Budget, Your Say has finished this stage -
Council Budget Approval
Your Budget, Your Say is currently at this stage
Budget Documents
Who's Listening
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